Did you get a vaccination abroad or did you test positive abroad? And you would like to get QR code fot the Coronacheck app? please read the information from the RIVM, and call the number on the website to make the appointment: Vaccinatiebewijs als coronabewijs | Coronabewijs en coronatoegangsbewijs | Rijksoverheid.nl
- Because of this situation the LSP gives access to a short version of your medical file, so the emergency and weekend GP can see a part of your medical file.(only during Corona) Like your wishes for treatment, or no treatment during Corona. If you DON’T want to give permission you can call us or let it be known through this website: https://www.volgjezorg.nl/en/permission
- We ask you to call or mail (info@huisartsenvaleriusplein.nl) the practice for all questions. Do not come to the practice
- Laboratory is possible at Valeriusplein between 08:00-10:30, don’t go if you have any symptoms of the Coronavirus.
- For up to date information: www.rivm.nl
- Telephone consultationfor the same day can be requested before 11 o’clock. After that time it can be possible you will be called the next day.
- E-consultation and e-mails will be answered within 2 days.
- Do you have respiratory complaints like coughing, sore throat, common cold with or without a fever? Then stay at home and limit your contact with others. And don’t visit elderly people. You DON’T need to be tested.
Contact us when you get trouble breathing, or when you get very sick.
CHECK our website for up-to-date information.
Team Valeriusplein and Olympiaplein.